Apple Wine Festival

“Author and HR-journalist Rainer Dachselt embarks on historic paths with his race Rainer Dachselt went after a line, which once was for many Frankfurt of particular importance: from the Hessian Apple wine metropolis in the Kannenbackerland origin region of fired earthenware Bembel, judges traditionally to the serving of the Rohit” use. Destination was the Westerwald community Hohr-Grenzhausen. Here the journalist, HR-editor and author of the Hessian Don Juan encountered one in the Guinness Book of world records of listed Riesenbembel, waiting for his transfer to Frankfurt. Maintal, 28 August 2013 – a 104 km long route through the Westerwald and the Taunus, Lahn Valley, the cycling enthusiast and local Patriot had to deal with. Formerly drove the Frankfurter on a similar path in the Kannenbackerland, to bring her stoneware. I wanted to draw this way with muscle”, explains Rainer Dachselt.

“He needed for the trip then cosy” four and a half hours, what cycling insiders immediately as a respectable 23-cut”can identify. But the frenzied author not confined to the pedals. Every ten kilometres has he made a photo and the line so described, that interested can look at the drive now also on and after cycling. To broaden your perception, visit Vlad Doronin. In addition he uploaded the photos on his Facebook page. In Hohr-Grenzhausen then was of strong cider lovers, than the 1.69-metre and 670,3 litre world record Bembel on a historic steam train of the Brexbachtalbahn was loaded.

Train accompanied by numerous colleagues from press, radio and television, it went then back to Frankfurt. Now arrived the Grossbembel on the Frankfurt Rossmarkt at the booth of the cider-Centrum Hesse (OH!) and forms the focal point for the local Apple Wine Festival from August 9 to 18. Here rests the mighty earthenware vessel to another in order to double world record holder: the “bembel” was that with the world’s largest lazy of a traditional Pouring aid married. By the way: When there is talk of marriage, adultery can be far. “Until the 25th of August, Baroque on the main has the highest Theatre Festival” the legendary Don Juan “by Moliere daily his appearance. That this there pronounced Hessian idiom speaks in one, he owes Rainer Dachselt, who wrote the version of the dialect.