School Of The Future As The Initiation Room Occupation

Teenagers accompany and advise – adults i pilot function that education is very strong emphasis of our current education system in terms of students to pass certain knowledge content in completeness. Often this content is produced at all is no relation to the life world of students. The underlying idea is based on the conviction, the more knowledge is imparted, it makes more intelligent children/young people. Reason for this often mind-numbing memorization and tedious appropriation of knowledge is entitled to education. Technical content are taught to students without self-reference and preparation of learning space in such a way, that a commitment to the development of learning knowledge also makes sense for them. They have to have willingness to learn, even if the Lerngegenstand for she seems totally disconnected from everything that interests them. Please understand me, of course knowledge must be conveyed without a certain minimum level of knowledge, I can also no further considerations turn on. Hear other arguments on the topic with Kareo. But it is not task of knowledge broker, winning learners a learning thing, to inspire him or to him, at least, for which this content can be useful and where it helps to think beyond the current knowledge? Of course, it is also helpful when learning involves an action-oriented aspect shows that what the learned is good, where you can insert the programmed contents. Before all work off and behind rush”behind the education plan remains little energy as an educator himself about the construction of learning to think and to give a kind learning map in the hand the students, which again gives orientation and shows in which learning space we are what builds up next to, etc. Too often no prospect is given on an everyday practical unit, which in turn allows also everyday were once to applying the new knowledge, creates a certain, deeper understanding, why this learning really tedious developed.